Goal - keep your money.
Method - OEM software.
Result - save 77-90%!
$49 Windows XP Pro w/SP2
$79 MS 0ffice Enterprise 2OO7
$79 Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro
$79 Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate
$99 Macromedia Studio 8
$59 Adobe Premiere 2.O
$59 Corel Grafix Suite X3
$59 Adobe Illustrator CS2
$49 Macromedia Flash Professional 8
$69 Adobe Photoshop CS2 V9.O
$99 Macromedia Studio 8
$129 Autodesk Autocad 2OO7
$149 Adobe Creative Suite 2
For MAC:
$69 Adobe Acrobat PR0 7
$49 Adobe After Effects
$49 Macromedia Flash Pro 8
$149 Adobe Creative Suite 2 Premium
$49 Ableton Live 5.O.1
$49 Adobe Photoshop CS
Content, husband and wife slep
Chapter Four Elizabeth was a
Rogers bellow jarred Elizabeth
Yet in the morning light, the
Elizabeth rolled over onto the