Cencal Members, 

As incoming president I wanted to take a few minutes to discuss with you a little bit of the incoming 2011/2012 CenCal Executive Board positive ideas and motivation we are giving for this incoming board year I will be serving as your president. With a number of TRiO grants being disseminated nationwide, we are hoping all existing programs in our Chapter continue to be refunded and those new programs everything from Upward Bounds to SSS, to McNair to ETS, to EOC and all others we serve can still make this a stronger and prominent chapter that we are. We understand that participation in our CenCal Chapter has become harder for many of you, with budget cuts, institution not allowing for travel, or lack of director or powers of be to push and motivate all of us to give towards this great Chapter. Understand with each member that attends meetings a new energy is there and with that professional reuniting with TRiO professionals we can serve our chapter stronger and therefore serve our participants better. 

My challenge to the directors of our TRiO Cencal Programs is to allow your staff once again partake in CenCal meetings, the first one being on August 26th, 2011 at Fresno State. As we have heard your concerns and hope with addressing them we can get more professional development and growth, stronger planned events. One goal of this first meeting is to tag along some professional development, so your staff can leave with that as well from the meeting. Our executive board will be meeting next week on Thursday July 21st and Friday July 22nd to go over a thorough agenda on our board retreat to discuss everything as far a board/committee responsibilities, where our chapter can be refined, and coming up with a calendar. With this we hope you can see we are serious about the unity of our CenCal Chapter and fine tuning the chapter and getting everyone involved once again. 

A section of our board retreat will be to focus on what is expected of each Board Member and Chairperson. We could really learn from getting past chairs and board members to send over a list of duties for the positions you've served in the past. Everything from what you did when you first got the position, the planning stages of your position, execution of your position, and interaction with other board members or committees to make your position successful. Again I know some of you did a great job when you held chairs, so this would be a great first step towards us feeding that information to those who are new to their positions. I have came up with a form that hopefully will help you, I urge you take enough time to help out if you've chaired something before. If those of you could get that to back to me by Wednesday July 20th, 2011. 

Lastly, anyone with overall suggestions or internal concerns please let Martha Escalera, President-Elect [log in to unmask] or myself know as together we can bring you a strong year with fundraising, scholarships, SLC, TRiO Day, etc. I have high hopes for our ETS & EOC programs at this crucial waiting time and hope the best for all of us who do a great job serving all of our populations. 

Our Incoming Board & Committees are as follows, 

Executive Board 
President, Bernardo Reynoso 
President-Elect, Martha Escalera 
Treasurer, Norma Cuevas 
Secretary, Susana Cruz 
Parliamentarian, Arnold Melgar 
Committee Chairs 
Legislative & Education, Kimberly Hughes 
Communications, Mike Osorio 
Student Leadership Conference, Patricia Ahumada 
Summer Jam 2012, Cesar Margarito 
Professional Development Seminar 2011, Cesar Margarito 
Scholarships, Luis Morales 
Fundraising, (accepting nominations) 
TRiO Day, (accepting nominations) 

2011/2012 president, 
Bernardo Reynoso 

Academic & Curriculum Specialist 
TRiO Upward Bound Program 
California State University, Fresno 
(559) 278-5347 (559) 278-4306 
* [log in to unmask] 
"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You!” Dr. Seuss