Good Morning WESTOP Members


I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July weekend and now, it’s back to business.


Below is information received from COE regarding 2010-2011 Fair Share.  Although WESTOP was the only one that did not reach 100%, COE as a whole exceeded that and reached 114% as of the end of June.


With that said, this next year is crucial for us all and we must work hard to not only reach 100% on or before June 30 but to surpass that number.  I will be working closely with WESTOP, COE and each individual institution to see that we reach our goal.  Attached you will find COE Membership and if your institution is not on there or if its membership is soon to expire, start talking with your people to become Institutional Members or to new your current membership.


Please contact me if any questions, concerns or suggestions come up.  


Respectfully Submitted,

Ricardo Marmolejo - FairShare Coordinator

Western Association of Educational Opportunity Personnel

c:  (559) 355-4289

o:  (559) 737-5401

e:  [log in to unmask]


TRiO . . . it works!


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July 1, 2011


Dear Regional/State Presidents and Fair Share Coordinators:


Congratulations for supporting the Council for Opportunity in Education and exceeding our Fair Share goal by $421,000.  We reached 114% of our goal! 


Today, for a brief moment, I would like you to sit back and smile, because this success is directly linked to your leadership, commitment, and determination.  You did it!  You were successful in a tough economic year when politicians in Washington decreased TRIO by $26.6 million.   We cannot  and will not let anyone roll back the clock to a time when motivated first-generation, low-income, and disabled students are not given the opportunity to receive “Student Services” to earn a bachelor’s degree or higher.  With your help, the Council and your Board of Directors will fight this “War on the Poor!”


The final regional tally is listed below*:


Region                                                  Sum Raised                                        Percentage

NEOA                                                    $208,736.83                                        138%

ASPIRE                                                  $220,878.38                                        134%

SWASAP                                              $527,483.61                                        119%

MEAEOPP                                           $296,891.11                                        118%

MAEOPP                                              $817,594.85                                        114%

NASP                                                     $139,597.00                                        113%

AEEE                                                      $246,541.00                                        111%

SAEOPP                                                $644,127.75                                        110%

CATP                                                     $66,920.66                                           109%

WESTOP                                               $304,179.29                                        92%

COE                                                        $3,472,950.48                                     114%

(*results are unofficial)


In addition to 9 of the 10 regions making their Fair Share goal, we saw 38 States and 5 Territories reach their own Fair Share goals.


We appreciate the efforts of every region and every state.  As I close, I would be remiss if I did not recognize the outstanding dedication and superb leadership of the Co- Chairs of our Resource Development Committee, David Megquier and Camille Zeigler. 


Sincere thanks to all of you for a job well done and have a safe July 4th weekend!



Mateo Arteaga

Board Chair



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