Happy Monday, 

This Saturday's TRIO Day event is quickly approaching and I am sending out the "Facilitator" instructions for all staff chaperone's who accompany students to this year's event. Staff/chaperone's will be facilitating groups of 10-15 students for an hour utilizing the attached instructions for the "I AM TRIO" interactive activity. Students will be mixed in with other students from other programs. Group assignments will be taken care of at check-in via their name badge designation *Shisssssssh. Don't give this away to your students as we don't want them going into convulsions over not being able to be with their homies for an hour. 

Read over the instructions carefully. They are very straight forward. Remember, we only have an hour for this activity so utilize your time wisely. I'll be opening up the activity and will give a 5- minute warning to wrap things up and give last minute remarks. Lastly, each student will be provided a FACT sheet on the history behind TRIO Day that will be used as a backdrop for the activity. 

Be sure to bring your facilitator instructions with you the day of the event. See you all on Saturday. 

CSU, Fresno Educational Talent Search Program 
5048 N. Jackson Ave. M/S LS 140 
Fresno, CA 93740-8022 
(559)278-2271/278-2276 FAX: 278-2322 

"You always pass failure on the way to success." -Mickey Rooney