It's me again. Great opportunity for some of our students to add to their resumes and get a little something for their time and effort. I'm going to do something and have my kids do some time as well. I even saw something for someone as young as six years old. Disneyland ain't cheap, so if you get some free tickets, then it's all good! Spend that extra cash on their high priced food while your there. Thanks Soua Xiong for this tip from Fresno State ETS! See if they have any opportunities for those of you who live outside Fresno. Worth a try to find out. 

Disney is offering free admission tickets in exchange volunteer service. It is easy and there are hundreds of opportunities in the Fresno area. All the info is at the following website. Give a look see. 

CSU, Fresno Educational Talent Search Program 
5048 N. Jackson Ave. M/S LS 140 
Fresno, CA 93740-8022 
(559)278-2271/278-2276 FAX: 278-2322 

"You always pass failure on the way to success." -Mickey Rooney