Hi Lilian,

Thank you for your question.  As the statement reads, "Be a current and active participant of a TRiO program or other CenCal Chapter program" this statement is referring to students that are current participants of a TRiO program WITHIN the CenCal Chapter.  I have ran it through my committee and have agreed that this is what we mean with this statement. I apologize if the statement implies that as long as the student is part of a TRiO program, then they can apply. Again, students can apply only if they are current participants of a TRiO program within the CenCal Chapter. (I will definitely put it into a recommendation to reword this phrase for the future). Students from different chapters might want to check with their program to find out if their chapter offers any scholarship opportunities.

Let me know if you have any further questions.

Ricardo, would you like to add anything else?

Thank you!


On Oct 23, 2009, at 2:15 PM, Lilian Zelaya wrote:

Hi Susana,
It was great seeing you at the Cencal PDS in Fresno! I was emailing you because I wanted if students from Norcal can also apply for the scholarship. I only work with middle school students in the ETS program at NHU but my sister is currently in the Upward Bound program at Sonoma State University and wanted to know if she would be eligible to apply?
Thank you,
Lilian Zelaya
Middle School Academic Advisor
Educational Talent Search (ETS)TRiO
The National Hispanic University
14271 Story Road
San Jose, CA. 95127-3823
Email: [log in to unmask]
(408) 729-2212
From: Susana Lucero [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 1:57 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Central California Chapter 2009 Scholarship Application
Hello CenCal!
Just like I promised, here is the CenCal 2009 Scholarship Application for you. Ben will be working on uploading it onto our CenCal website. Again, please encourage all your seniors to apply to this great scholarship opportunity. Remember, please remind them that the deadline is Friday, Dec. 4th and that all the documents should be turned in into one packet. They can either mail it to me or give it to you as their nominator (if you are a paid member) and YOU can hand-deliver it to me on our next CenCal meeting at CSU, Monterrey Bay on Dec. 4th.  Please encourage them to follow the scholarship instructions carefully and to double check before mailing it off on their check list to make sure that they have everything complete (including signatures!!!).
Other than that, thank you all. I look forward to receiving those applications!!! Best of luck to all your students!!!
P.S. Have a good weekend.

Susana Cruz
Academic/Assessment Specialist
Upward Bound Program
5240 North Jackson Ave. M/S UC 35
Fresno, CA 93740-8023
For I know the plans I have for you –Jeremiah 29:11