CenCal Members,

Fresno State will be offering a free training/workshops on Financial Aid (how to fill out, updates, they go line by line, etc), they also provide you with a great handout on how to help your students.
It will take place on Thursday, October 29th, 2009 at Fresno State.  There are still plenty of seats available as well.

Here is the link if you wish to attend:

If you are in San Louis Obispo it is a day prior, in San Jose November 4th, Bakersfield November 6th, 

Here is the agenda.
CASFAA's 2009 High School Counselor Workshops
This agenda will be followed at all locations.
8:30 - Check-In

9:00 – 9:10  Welcome

9:10 – 10:30
Financial Aid 101

10:30 – 10:45
15-Minute Break

10:45 - 12:00
FAFSA Overview & Updates

12:00 - 1:00
Lunch On Your Own

1:00 – 1:25 
Cal Grant Overview and Updates

1:25 – 1:35
California Cash for College Resource

1:35 – 2:20
College Access and “AB 540”

2:20 – 2:35
15-Minute Break

2:35 – 2:55
Scholarships and Resources

2:55 – 3:30
High School Counselors Best Practices

3:30 p.m.    Conclusion

thanks, ben
Bernardo Reynoso
Academic & Curriculum Specialist
Upward Bound Program
California State University, Fresno
(559) 278-5347   fax  (559) 278-4306
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!”  Dr. Seuss

On Oct 15, 2009, at 12:42 PM, Ismael Serrano Jr. wrote:

Good Afternoon Everyone,
Below you will find the information for the UC Counselor Update event that I mentioned during our PDS.   Hope that you will be able to attend.  Take care. 
Ismael Serrano,  Program Manager
UC Merced Center for Educational Partnerships
550 E. Shaw Ave., Suite 105
Fresno, CA 93710
Office: (559) 241-7476
Cell:  (559) 916-3181
Fax:  (559) 241-7456
Dear Colleague: 
In speaking with counselors from throughout the region, it has come to my attention that many were unable to attend one of the University of California Counselor Conferences this fall.  In response to this information, we have quickly arranged a Counselor Update for professionals like you. 
On October 28, 2009 we are hosting a Counselor Update in collaboration with the UC Merced Center for Educational Partnerships. During the program, we will provide important highlights from the University of California system and our campus regarding admissions and financial aid.  The complimentary program will be held at the UC Center, located at 550 East Shaw Avenue in Fresno.  Registration begins at 7:30 AM and the program adjourns at 10:30 AM.  I hope you can join us for this brief but informative dialogue.
Please register online at admissions.ucmerced.edu/counselors-and-educators.  Space is limited and will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis.  
Please see the attached agenda for additional details.  If you have any questions, contact Alex Delgadillo at (209) 228-4625 or La Toya Brown at (209) 228-4253.
I hope to see you on October 28th.
Encarnacion Ruiz
Director, Office of Admissions
University of California, Merced
University of California Merced
Counselor Update
UC Center Fresno
October 28, 2009
UC Merced is pleased to host a Counselor Update this fall.  The event is designed to provide counselors with valuable information about the UC Merced campus and the University of California application process.  We hope that our presentations will help you advise your students about applying to the University of California.  We are also eager to hear your perspective and address any questions you may have. 
The first part of the program will focus on admission, selection, financial aid, academic programs and housing.  The second half of the event will focus on the application process, personal statement and a discussion of how eligibility is earned and maintained (“D” and “F” grades, GPA calculations, and more).
Program Agenda
7:30 AM       Registration/Networking   (Continental Breakfast Provided)
8:00 AM       UC Merced Updates
·         Admissions
·         Financial Aid
·         New Programs and Student Housing
8:30 AM       UC Systemwide Updates
9:00 AM       Navigating Admission Policy
·         Application Process
·         Personal Statement
·         Eligibility/Course Requirements
10:15 AM     Open Dialogue
10:30 AM     Adjourn
Space is limited and registration will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. For more information, please contact Alejandro S. Delgadillo at 209-228-4625.
Ismael Serrano,  Program Manager
UC Merced Center for Educational Partnerships
550 E. Shaw Ave., Suite 105
Fresno, CA 93710
Office: (559) 241-7476
Cell:  (559) 916-3181
Fax:  (559) 241-7456

Bernardo Reynoso
Academic & Curriculum Specialist
Upward Bound Program
California State University, Fresno
(559) 278-5347   fax  (559) 278-4306
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!”  Dr. Seuss