Good Afternoon CenCal Members & Friends,

We have a new domain it will no longer be
  I hope it will be easy for all members to remember.  Please  
bookmark and use for reference.

On the website you'll find all the up-to-minute PDS 2009 forms to  
Also if you haven't registered to WESTOP, registration is up (link is  
on the homepage)!

The PDS committee got together here in Fresno this past Friday, and  
have decided on having the conference at the University of  
California, Educational Center here in Fresno.  It is about 5 minutes  
from Fresno State, so it will not change much if any plans if you are  
deciding on a hotel, however I have added the hotels closer on our  
website as well so take a look and book your room.  Everything from  
the Agenda, Request for Ads, Workshops, Basket Info, etc is on the  
website under PDS 2009.  Any suggestions are welcomed, and hope to  
see everyone in CenCal and other programs there.

Hotel Information

Bernardo Reynoso
Academic & Curriculum Specialist
Upward Bound Program
California State University, Fresno
(559) 278-5347   fax  (559) 278-4306
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three- 
quarters percent guaranteed!”  Dr. Seuss