Hey everyone.

I wanted to ³communicate² what is in the works for the upcoming year on our
website and how it can be used.  www.centralcal.org

#1  We have added a program highlights section, where programs can feature
specific highlights that their program has had.
The way it works is a program would send a photo and caption to it, and
short summary of its event.  Its very rough right now but thank you
Cesar from Cal Poly for forwarding pics of his SSS program, and I hope more
programs can do so.  I also tried for COS UB, but if Ric you can give me
your ideas or send me some pics.

#2  Today I had a presentation to middle schools who came to Fresno State.
When asked if they knew about Upward Bound, ETS, etc at their high schools,
of course they didnıt know.. But if we had as staff somewhere to go to see
if that high school is serviced by one of us, I can really see all of us
using this part to the website. I will be adding it to the Memberıs
directory location, so if I can get from EVERYONE asap..
Ex.  next to Fresno State Upward Bound employees, I would add a box that
High Schools Served
Fresno High, Roosevelt High, Edison High
Madera No. High, Madera So. High, Sanger High.

I am asking all programs to send this back to me so I can present prior to
Mayıs meeting.  For programs like SSS, EOC, etc, if you can send me your
main contacts like I know EOC at FSU looks to Cesar Chavez adult school,
Workforce Connection, etc, that would suffice.

#3  I need some info on WESTOP conference in Phoenix, since I didnıt go, I
donıt know where to start, but if you send pics, and maybe our pres or pres
elect can come up with a brief intro (see PDS 2009 for an idea).  Anyone who
went send pics personally to my email.

#4  History/ Historian.  Dennis if you could send what you wrote very nicely
at the last meeting, I know people would appreciate reading your piece on
our history, and we could start adding to it.

#5  Summer Jam info. I copy and pasted your stuff Arnold, any forms or stuff
you need to be an attachment let me know and I will add it.  Or if you want
a formal invitation/description go for it, I will put it up, but for now
thatıs what I have,(check the summer jam link).  I will also add a box where
once programs agree to going weıll put them on, so I know NHU ETS has
confirmed, and more will follow.

#6  Scholarships. Since I know you will be meeting soon and no SLC took
place this year, we will highlight our recipients on our site.  Jesus, if
you can make it mandatory they forward me a quick info, and perhaps a quick
recap on each why they were chosen, (see Scholarships 2008 for what I mean).

#7  Presidentıs/ Outgoing Pres message.  Please send me a new one, with
thoughts insight, and fresh new photo of yourselves.

#8  LASTLY, a group photo will be taken at the MAY 1st, 2009 meeting at CSU
Bakersfield to replace the one on our homepage from back in Hawaii.  If
Guille you can find a good spot, and we will do it then, and now everyone is
on board for it.

Thanks, hope I didnıt miss anything coming up, but with your cooperation and
sending stuff my way the website can be used more and more as a resource for
us, and again highlight all the great things we do internally and externally
onto whoever views it.

BEN  communications chair.
 * ps. If you have summer job positions feel free to send through the
listserv too.

Bernardo Reynoso
Academic & Curriculum Specialist
Upward Bound Program
California State University, Fresno
(559) 278-5347   fax  (559) 278-4306
³And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and
three-quarters percent guaranteed!²  Dr. Seuss