Greetings CenCal family/friends,  

Attached you will find an agenda as well as the Doubletree link for you
to peruse at your leisure re:  Things to do in the area, driving
directions, restaurant info, hotel amenities, etc.  Don't forget to give
yourself enough travel time to Rohnert Park.  Our registration will open
up at 3 PM with the new members session starting at 4 PM.  Your must
have items for our PDS are:  

1.  CenCal WESTOP Pins

2.  Silent Auction items along with your $$$$$ along with $$$ for our
marble game on Friday.  

3.  Light jacket/sweater (weather will be in the low 80's, but remember
how hotels sometimes keep the thermostat freezing cold inside)

4.  Business cards

5.  $25 due at time of registration for the Sonoma Buffet Breakfast
*optional.  Please bring exact change for this transaction and you will
be given a ticket for this meal to be hosted during our chapter meeting
on Friday. 

Be safe in your travels and feel free to email me today and tomorrow
with any further questions you might have.  

Have a good one!!!

"Success seems to be connected with action.  Successful people keep
moving.  They make mistakes, but they don't quit." 

-Conrad Hilton