Happy Monday Folks,   

A schedule our our upcoming PDS will be posted by weeks end or sooner
for your to peruse as well as other tidbits concerning weather, travel,
etc.  Please note that today is the final day for you to submit AD's for
Ricardo to print in our program.  If your having technical difficulties,
then email him directly at [log in to unmask]  

I am requesting  a "program rep" to email Josie Casanova
[log in to unmask] with a list of names  of individuals from your
respective programs who will be participating.  She is in charge of
registration and wants to start printing name tags/meal tickets.  

Don't forget to start compiling your baskets for silent auction or other
items you want to bring and dig out your CenCal pins.   If you don't
have one, we can get you one for $6.00.  Who has the marble game?  
Don't forget that too!!!

For those of you who need assistance in assembling your basket, contact
Jenny Robledo (aka Martha Stewart) for assistance with supplies to bring
with you so that she and her trusty assistant, Martina Granados, can
assist you in making your basket    really stand out!  

Have a good rest of the week!

"Success seems to be connected with action.  Successful people keep
moving.  They make mistakes, but they don't quit." 

-Conrad Hilton