Greetings Cencal Family, 

I"m sending you this email as a friendly reminder for our annual PDS
scheduled for October.  I just received an email  from out events
coordinator  at the Doubletree in Rohnert Park that so far the only
reservation made has been for myself and the deadline is fast
approaching for people to receive the $145.00 rate (Midnight Sept. 7th).  

Myself and a few other committee members have been working hard to
provide our chapter with a quality, and worthwhile PDS, however, our
hotel reservations are evidence of our committment to attend the event.
 I have firm committments from Judge Cerena Wong and Efren  Carrillo,
who is a ETS alumni from Sonoma State and currently running for a
political seat in Sonoma County to be our Welcome/Plenary speakers.   As
of date, I still have not received any interest emails for speakers to
conduct various workshops.  

I realize that schools, community colleges, universities have just
started back up and that everyone is running around with  their heads
cut off, but we need to decide as a chapter if this event is going to go
off as planned.  I have confered with the hotel events coordinator  and
have instructed her to reduce our block to 39 rooms based on
participation from last year.  I had forecast for a room block of 60
which may have been a little ambitios, but remember that CenCal has a
tradition of breaking records and setting the bar high!!!!

I am also on the threshold of starting back full-time into my  primary
position as a counselor for ETS  next week  and I want to ask upfront
for everyone's "yeah or nay" in pursuing this venture any further.  Time
and money are at stake and I need programs/individuals to state their
committments at this time.  

Please know that I realize budgets are tight for everyone, so if we need
to pull the plug on this one, then the majority should speak.  Remember,
we voted to have PDS this year in October instead of December, so we may
need to revisit this issue again.  

Thanking you all in advance for your consideration, support, and
constructive comments. 


"Success seems to be connected with action.  Successful people keep
moving.  They make mistakes, but they don't quit." 

-Conrad Hilton