Happy Friday Cencal family,  

Those of you out there checking your emails whether on vacation or not,
please assist me with this very urgent matter as it pertains to our
chapter finances for the year.   

I need for any programs who participated with Summer Jam  WHO HAVE NOT
PAID, to contact myself via email or direct line at (559) 278-2271
between now and July 23rd  to discuss your payment arrangements.  I will
be revisiting the financial standing of our chapter finances due to my
pending report to the Board due by the end of the month.  Remember, if
your program registered or committed to attending this event, but you
were a "NO-SHOW, " the program still needs to honor payment to the chapter. 

Be on the look-out for PDS info, especially for those of you who have
sent me emails telling me you want to volunteer, a "To-Do" list will be
coming out to put you on task with specifics of your duties.  

As of July 23rd, I will be out of the office until August 4th.  Again,
feel free to email me or call me direct either before of after this
date.  Thanking you all in advance.  


"Success seems to be connected with action.  Successful people keep
moving.  They make mistakes, but they don't quit." 

-Conrad Hilton