Congratulations to Guillermina and all chairs/officers elected!!!

for item #5 listed below, i have attached the check request form that must be completed in order for me to send a check to the students.  I also need original proof of registration from the university/college they are attending.

and for fairshare I only received $$$ from one person!  

Safe travels to everyone returning home!

Carrie  =)

No title defined <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Congratulations to all the 2008-2009 chairs and officers of the Central Cal Chapter of 
>All nominees were voted in that were listed on the absentee ballot along with our new 
>Central Cal President, Guillermina Martinez.  Just so everyone is brought up to speed, I need 
>for you to pay attention to the following:  
>1.  Anyone who gave me money in Kona for fairshare or sent Carrie money, please email your 
>name by Wed.,  April  16th NOON, so I can account for your contribution with the Fairshaire 
>chair from WESTOP.  If you don't, it will be listed under my name as the chapter president for 
>contribution.   If it's not a big deal, then don't.  I have cash that some of you gave me and I'm 
>looking to turn it into  one big check soon.  
>2.  Our PDS is slated for Oct. of this year and our next chapter meeting will be in May at 
>Monterey Bay.  I packed away my notes, so Norma, help me out with the dates in a later 
>email to the members when you get this.  Summer Jam dates were decided upon as well and 
>Blanca Melchor needs a committee like yesterday as the event is slated to happen in June.  
>So, again, upcoming events Chapter meeting (May), Summer Jam (June), and PDS (Oct.)
>3.  I'm going to be arranging for  a day  of mentoring for all new chairs and officers possibly 
>at  the chapter meeting in Monterey.   All former chairs of CenCal events will be contacted to 
>share advice about their role and logistics of planning an event.  
>4.  I'm soliciting my committee for the PDS and need people for the following:  workshops, 
>entertainment, awards/presentations,  silent auction, hospitality.  
>5.  Lastly, members who had a nominee selected for the CenCal scholarship need to ensure 
>that the students understand the process of how to secure  their monies in a timely manner.  
>This year's scholarship will need to go out as early as possible (Mid-July) possibly to allow 
>time for dissemination and the scholarship committee review by Sept. sometime.  More on 
>this later. 
>I think this is all for now.  Next year's conference will be held in Phoenix, AZ in March.  
>Those of you who made it to Kona, I hope you had a memorable time and I'll see you all 
>" I believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every 
>possession, a duty.  
>-John D. Rockefeller