You don't saw what was happen ?
Thursday volume of ACEN has exceeded all records.
As you can see, investors finally valued the product and started to invest.

High $1.035
Last sale on $0.75.
Vol 561,673

AC Energy would like to provide further information on business strategies and encouraging market opportunities.

A new market study from Portio Research predicts that 50% of the world's population will use cellular phones by the end of 2009. The number of mobile subscribers worldwide reached over 2 billion by the end of 2005, and is estimated to rise to 3.96 billion by 2011. AC Energy's prospective primary customer base includes every existing and potential cell phone user in this swiftly expanding market.

AC Energy is currently seeking American battery and electronics manufacturers to act as licensees for our products. Our company has secured the necessary patent applications, and we are looking forward to continued growth and prosperity as we expand the licensing of our technology worldwide.

If you can't handle one computer malfuntion, then you might want to think about the slight possibibilty of going into another means of  supporting your selfish self, if you catch my drift!
The only question is whether that testing occurs in a test environment or in the field.
Especially if the tune is repetitive as is the case with.
> Sorry for the terse message earlier but you know how the heat of the moment can be.
Especially if the tune is repetitive as is the case with.
> Hey Mike,