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What happens when that perfect small cap issue releases astounding news
and gets a massive PR campaign behind it?  It Takes Off!!!

Irwin Resources (IWRS)
Last      $0.50
Target  $1.50

Do not miss this one.  These small caps Really Fly when people take
notice, and Believe us they are going to take notice this Friday!

Also, I am sure Mike can handle the heat.
(For example changing tables or some other behavior that causes a memory leak.)
He is also apparently the unoffiicial or official RGP liaison.
(System under test) before trying that in the field.
Especially if the tune is repetitive as is the case with.
With that in mind to whom should I have addressed my dissatisfation.
I think pressure applied here at RGP to the most visible person is probably more effective.
The answer?
My first impression is that the testing is occurring in the field and that the software is encountering many failures.
Bad publicity can be a powerful thing especially when there are multiple complainers as in this case.
Memory leaks that might be caused by running larger tournaments.