Pealing, it tries to fill the cold night air
Chose to walk out of it, they'd have to pass
Snow haze gleams like sand.
Will hear the storm-blast of his clarion.
Swaying in unison beneath the snow,
Cascading snowflakes settle in the pines,
The face of a Quos ego),
II. List of Franklin Search Parties
Hoarfrost is in his bones and on his head,
The winter road from the St. Simeon farm
Dreaming time has reversed—and you,
Sought to contrive, intending to express
When Arctic winds crack down from Canada
Never does any motion, sound, or light
Empty streets I come upon by chance,
trainer flips young alligators over on their backs,
Stars, the last day, endless and centerless,
Columbuses or Gamas, ever pass,
Of a far barn, just where the road curves sharply