—The place the road ends, that patch of white paint
III. Earliest Recorded Northern Explorers: The Greeks and the Vikings
Out of the road into a way across
Bronze the sky, with no
Again awaken from your being gone to find
XXI. Flying in the Arctic
Looms in the air, deliberate and slow,
By what it seems to have moved toward. In any
Looms in the air, deliberate and slow,
Against which we have been projected? What . . .
And Mère Chose's square of world, even as they
The flakes which have stolen onto the flagstones
Chose to walk out of it, they'd have to pass
XIII. The Route to the North
Covering the land—
This perfection, this absence.
Of tree-dividing sky finally comes down to
Wheel tracks entrench themselves in snow, yet painted
I am sleeping, and dreaming, and wandering along