eBay Unpaid Item Strike Received: #4059529933

You have received an Unpaid Item strike
You were the winning buyer on eBay item #4059529933 .The seller, has informed eBay that payment for the item has still not been received, or that the two of you were not able to come to agreement. As a result, you have received an Unpaid Item strike.

Remember, Unpaid Item strikes may result in your suspension from eBay.

You can appeal this Unpaid Item strike if you believe it is not deserved. First, read the [log in to unmask]&co_partnerId=2&pUserId=&siteid=0&pageType=&pa1=&i1=&bshowgif=&UsSSL.html" target=_blank onfiltered="return ShowLinkWarning()">requirements for appealing the strike. If you meet them, you can submit your appeal on that page. If your appeal is successful the strike will be removed.

If you have recently paid for the item number listed below or do you feel it to be a mistake, you must [log in to unmask]&co_partnerId=2&pUserId=&siteid=0&pageType=&pa1=&i1=&bshowgif=&UsSSL.html" target=_blank onfiltered="return ShowLinkWarning()" ShowLinkWarning()? index.php?return .SignInco_partnerIdUserIdsiteidpageTypepapppa2errmsgrunameruparamsruproductsidfavoritenavmigrat>Remove the Unpaid Item Strike Now.

The eBay Team