I just wanted to make sure everyone was aware of the items discussed during
our last mtg, since a few people weren't able to come.

First Class Mtg  (9/7/00)

STUDENT LIABILITY:  All students need to make check out to: OPTS for $17.50
      Please give your check to Helen ASAP!

GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP FORM:  Pick up form from financial aid office or submit
online form at financial aid link on University website.  Filing dates are
from Sept 11 to Nov 17.  *This form is the gateway for many possible
sources of aid.

VOLUNTEERING:  If you would like the opportunity to work in the
balance/gait lab, stop by at Toni Tyner's office San Ramon 2, Room 9.  She
will post available hours for you to sign up.  (Typically 1 or 2 hrs/wk)

CLASS GOVERNMENT:  Think about nominations and whether or not you would be
willing to serve.  Prof. Laslovich will send out "nomination slates" for us
to fill out.  They will be due on 10/2/00.

PERSONAL PROFILES:  The department needs additional information about each
of us, so they know who would qualify for certain scholarships that will
come in.  Be prepared to fill out a form at the next mtg.

OPTS LEADERSHIP:  It was brought to our attention that the position for
president of OPTS needs to be filled, and it is usually held by a first-
year PT student.  Interested?  Want more information?  Please contact a
faculty member for Jodi's phone number.

That's it!  See you all in class   -rach